My beautiful daughter was born before I became a Baltimore newborn photographer. Here is her newborn photo:
newborn baby in baltimore maryland

I love and treasure it; my family photos are the most valued physical possession in my home. And yet, I can’t bring myself to frame this photo or enlarge it on a canvas. What’s wrong with this photo?

So many things!

1. I photographed up her nose, getting an inside view of her nostrils – nobody’s most flattering angle!

2. The skin tones are way off.

3. The left side of the photo is overexposed; the bottom left of her cheek has lost all texture and detail.

4. Her hair underexposed – too dark, and all texture and detail is lost.

5. The light source is coming from below her face, which is the lighting pattern used in horror movies! Naturally, the sun is always above us or to the side of us, so when lighting comes from below the face, the whole photo feels off.

6. Oh, and it’s blurry!

Lesson learned? Get a professional to take your precious newborn’s photos! Contact me when you see those 2 pink lines!

And please don’t worry about my baby’s looks! I did get a semi-decent photo of her as she got older; here she is at one month: (Ignore the blurry hand, please!)

Baltimore one month old baby photo

In a blink of an eye, the years have passed! Here she is at my son’s bar mitzvah: Photo courtesy of the talented Benjamin Kohen Photography.

Baltimore toddler photographer

If you’re pregnant, don’t hesitate to contact me to find out if I’ll be available when your baby is due: