About Chaya Braun

Hello, I’m Chaya!

(Rhymes with ‘Hiya’! And the “ch” is soft, as in Charlotte.)

Yesterday my oldest son was born. Today my 7 pound bundle of joy towers over me; he is 16 and learning to drive.

This morning my second son was born. He sneezed as he was put in my arms, a huge sneeze that enveloped his tiny face. This year he started high school in a city four hours away.

An hour ago, I suddenly went into labor with my third son. I can still feel myself grasping at the dashboard, as my husband drove towards the hospital at unmentionable speeds. My youngest son is now at the cusp of adulthood, as we prepare for his bar mitzvah.

Only a few seconds ago, Dr. A. exclaimed, “It’s a GIRL!” and handed me the prettiest little princess when I gave birth to my first daughter. I honestly don’t understand how she became a two year old toddler, since I gave birth to her just a short moment ago.

The days pass slowly, yet the years fly by…

It’s my passion to capture the amazing beginning of new life, a brand new world with your newborn.

Those first few months with a newborn quickly pass in a blur of sleepless nights, late night cuddles, and sweet baby’s breath. Yet, I promise you this: You only have a few seconds from the time you give birth until your baby starts emptying cabinets. In a few minutes she will know how to install her favorite apps on your phone, and delete all of your contacts. Just a few days from now, your baby will go to sleepaway camp. And in about a week or so, he will be saying, “Mom, drop me off at the corner – you don’t need to take me all the way there.” because he’s too cool for his friends to know that he actually has a MOTHER!

Your investment in your baby’s newborn portraits are an investment that will be treasured for a lifetime. The little booties will be outgrown in a heartbeat. The stroller and carseat will last for a fleeting season, for tomorrow your baby will be a teenager. Trust me. My teens were all born yesterday. I promise.

The breathtaking art of your newborn’s portraits will be a treasured family heirloom, and always evoke that endless wellspring of love for the tiny person who is your child. Newborns change so fast; in just a few weeks you’ll scarcely remember how little and cuddly your baby was at birth.

About Chaya Braun