When this little princess’ parents booked her session, they didn’t know if she’d be a boy or girl. When I received the email that this bundle of joy was born, I was very excited to plan her session. As a mom of three boys and then one little girl, I have a soft spot in my heart for all baby girls, and it’s been fun to have lots of newborn baby girls at the studio lately.

This beautiful baby only opened her eyes at the very end of her session, and she posed like a real champ.

Great-great-grandma on her mother’s side knitted the yellow blanket, and her paternal great-grandmother knitted the white blanket you can see below. I always love when parents bring along sentimental items to be photographed with the baby, especially handmade blankets!

sleeping gorgeous baby girl

newborn baby photogpher

mother and newborn baby embrace pose

newborn baby with great grandma's knitted blanket

newborn baby with great great grandma's blanket

newborn baby and parents posing

chaya braun photography baltimore

newborn baby girl smiling

sleeping newborn baby

baby girl in dreamcatcher with flowers