McKenzie was so pretty and sleepy, I don’t think I saw her eyes open once during her entire newborn photo session! She was content to stay with her sweet dreams while being transitioned from a basket, to a fur rug, a tiny bed, and then to her beautiful mother’s arms!
As you can see, big brother Simon was thrilled to have the opportunity to hold his darling little sister! Two year old boys can be quite unpredictable at times, yet Simon was the perfect little gentleman!
We stayed with a pink, purple, and neutral color palette for most of the images. Mom had brought along a suitcase of clothing to choose from for everyone to wear, and we settled on the mid-toned colors you can see in the stunning family portrait. The green, pink, and purple gives the image a pop of saturation while the focus is still very much on the family connection.
Are you pregnant and researching options for a Maryland newborn photographer? My schedule generally gets booked several months in advance, so contact me as soon as possible!